Before you can update or change a business’s details on the NZBN Register you need to confirm you have the authority to do so. It could be your own business, or someone else’s.
If you were the person who registered your business online or applied for your NZBN, you’ll have authority over that business automatically, and you’ll be able to make changes right away. If not, you’ll need to confirm that you are authorised to manage information on behalf of the business.
NZBN Authority helps to ensure that the right people are able to update information about your business.
The NZBN is helping kiwi businesses connect and interact, making it easier to share information, access services and streamline processes.
Businesses and government agencies are increasingly using the NZBN, so it's important your details are accurate and up to date.
The right people will need to have authority to update and manage your NZBN. For most businesses more than one person can hold this authority. If you set up an NZBN as a sole trader, partnership, or trust, you'll have authority over that business automatically, and can make changes anytime through MyNZBN.
If someone else from your business, your accountant, or lawyer, set up your NZBN, you'll need to confirm your authority before making any changes. To do this find the business on the NZBN.
Register then select 'get access' to update these details. The process and information required to gain authority depends on the type of business. You'll find all the details on MyNZBN. Once you have authority, you can make changes to your NZBN and create and edit NZBN Organisation Parts via MyNZBN at any time.
How to confirm your authority
To confirm your authority to update information for a business, here’s what to do:
Search for the business on the NZBN Register
Once you’ve found it, select ‘Get access to update these details’
What happens next depends on the type of business it is.
The director will be notified and will have 20 days to confirm your authority. If they don't verify your authority within 20 working days, you’ll need to confirm your authority with the Registrar of Companies.
You’ll be prompted to confirm authority via the NZBN Register. There are a few things you’ll need:
The IRD number of the sole trader, partnership or trust. We need this to make sure you’re asking for authority over the right NZBN.
Proof that you have authority to act for the business. For this you’ll need:
Sole trader – details from the sole trader’s New Zealand driver licence or passport, or a copy of a similar ‘identity’ document. (Any documents you upload must be 20MB or less).
Partnership – the exact name of the partnership, as it appears on the partnership agreement.
Trust – the exact name of the trust, as it appears on the trust deed.
You’ll be prompted to confirm authority via the relevant Companies Office register.
You’ll be prompted to confirm authority via the NZBN Register.
Managing authorities for sole traders, partnerships and trusts
If you have authority over a sole trader, partnership or trust, you can grant someone else authority via your NZBN dashboard. You’ll simply need the email address of the person you’re granting authority to.
The steps are:
Log in to your NZBN dashboard
From 'My Businesses' select the business you want to grant authority over
Click on the 'Maintain Authority' tab
Select 'Grant Authority' from the menu
Enter the person's email address, and choose 'Apply'
You can revoke an existing authority too. For example, if you change your solicitor or accountant, you may want to revoke an authority they may hold. You can revoke authorities via MyNZBN
Your own authority
If you’re a director of a company, or a sole trader, partner of a partnership, or trustee of a trust, you can't revoke your own authority.