Video transcript
A teal-coloured screen with the NZBN and Xero logos animates to reveal an introductory message, reading: “How Xero is using the NZBN to streamline business processes”. The coloured screen fades to show a man standing in the Xero office space. A sign in the background reveals Xero’s positioning statement: Beautiful Accounting Software. A teal bar appears along the bottom of the screen, displaying the man’s name and job title: Grant Anderson, Xero Head of Government Relations. Grant appears to speak to an individual off-camera. The teal bar fades away.
Grant: The New Zealand Business Number is going to have a hugely positive impact on Xero customers particularly.
The scene cuts to a woman standing in a light and bright office space. To her left there’s a shelving unit with greenery and plants. A teal bar appears along the bottom of the screen, displaying the woman’s name and job title: Sarah Blackie, Xero Head of Commercial and Procurement. Sarah appears to speak to an individual off-camera. The teal bar fades away.
Sarah: The NZBN will benefit both small and large enterprises in New Zealand. It's really important that a business, no matter what size it is, has accurate information about other businesses they're engaging with, whether it's a customer or a supplier.
The scene cuts to an animation of a delivery truck driving through a town or city. The van is branded “Pete’s Portable Portobellos”. Each commercial building Pete drives past has a floating number above it, showing the NZBN of this business. Pete’s van also has his own NZBN floating above it. The van pulls up outside a store and the visual cuts to Pete delivering a basket of mushrooms to a chef. Pete and the chef both have the NZBN of their business floating above them. One of the mushrooms bounces out of Pete’s basket and falls onto the ground. The chef smiles.
Sarah: Making sure for example in the procurement area that we have the right supplier details so that we are paying them on time, so that we understand who they are, understand that they are a legal entity and that, actually, we're paying the right party.
The scene cuts back to Sarah, speaking in the bright office space. This time, the frame is tighter, showing Sarah’s face close up. As Sarah talks, keywords appear on the screen. These read “accurate information” and “located in one trustworthy source”.
Sarah: It's really important that the information that you're working with is accurate, so having all that information associated with the NZBN being located in one trustworthy source – it’s there and you can rely on it - then you don’t have to rely on someone else telling you who they are. You know it's accurate.
The frame cuts back out, to show Sarah from the elbows up.
Sarah: So at the moment we are able to tag a vendor or supplier with that NZBN number. In the future we'll be able to integrate it fully and have all that data associated with it linked to the vendor.
The scene cuts back to Grant in his office space. As Grant talks, a quote appears on the screen, readomg: “E-Invoicing will save NZ businesses billions of dollars a year… and we couldn’t do it without the NZBN”.
Grant: One of the things we're really excited about with the NZBN is electronic invoicing. The New Zealand Business Number is a cornerstone part of the electronic invoicing standard in New Zealand. Electronic invoicing is going to save our customers, and New Zealanders as a whole, billions of dollars a year in improved efficiencies and we couldn't do it without the NZBN.
The scene cuts to a visual of the exterior of the Xero office. The building is dark grey, with white window and door frames. Three blue Xero signs frame the main doorway. The visual then cuts back to Grant talking in the office. Another quote appears on screen, reading: “Correctly identifying the businesses you work with saves time and improves accuracy.”
Grant: One of the great things that the NZBN does is enables credit ratings agencies to correctly identify the businesses that are dealing with. Xero can then take that credit rating information and surface it up so that our customers benefit by getting easy credit ratings for their customers and suppliers.
The scene cuts back to Sarah in her office space. As she speaks, a quote appears on the screen, reading: “These is no downside to using the NZBN.”
Sarah: There is no downside. I think it's one of those things that businesses have to say to themselves this is something that's really worth my time and if I do it and if all the other small businesses around New Zealand do it, and large businesses, then it would make a huge impact to the way we engage with each other.
The shot pans from left to right across the exterior of the Xero building, showing the main entrance door. The scene cuts to Grant back in his office. The frame is tighter, showing Grant from the shoulders up. As he speaks, a quote appears on screen, which says: “The NZBN will mean organisations spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing business.” The visual cuts back out to show Grant from the waist up. As he talks, keywords appear on screen. These say “grow business networks”, “opportunities for innovation” and “transform the way we do business”.
Grant: If you're thinking about implementing the New Zealand Business Number I would say just go ahead and do it. It's really good for small businesses because it's going to enable greater efficiency. It's going to mean they spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing the things they really love and need to do. As more businesses start using the New Zealand business number it's going to grow their business networks it's going to provide a great opportunity for innovation in the economy and it's going to fundamentally transform the way we do business in New Zealand.
The scene fades to a grey box, with a message reading, “Find out how the NZBN can become an asset for your business at”. The Better for Business and logos appear in the bottom left. In the top right corner, there’s a white triangle, with the NZBN logo inside it, including the tagline “more business, less work”.