NZBN Business-Match

Use our NZBN Business-Match service to update your records and identify NZBNs for all of your business contacts.

Knowing the NZBNs of the businesses you deal with makes it easy to keep information up to date and find out as soon as any of their details change. You probably already have a list of the customers and suppliers you work with. Let us help you match those businesses to their NZBNs with our free and secure NZBN Business-Match service.

A wide range of business types have NZBNs

We can match to all companies, incorporated societies, charitable trust boards, limited partnerships, public sector entities (including central government agencies and schools as well as local government). These types of businesses have been automatically allocated NZBNs.

We can also match to sole traders, partnerships, trusts and charities that have applied for an NZBN.

How it works

You send us a list of contacts with either their business names, Companies Office registration numbers or both. We’ll run it through our NZBN Business-Match programme to find their NZBNs.

Preparing your file for matching

  • Provide the list of your businesses in CSV or XLSX format. You can provide either a list of business names, a list of Companies Office registration numbers, or both in separate columns. Below we've provided a sample CSV file as a template you can use to prepare your file.
  • To ensure a more accurate match and faster turnaround time, we strongly recommend reviewing your data set and removing any non-standard data (for example, odd characters, spaces, or data that is not a business name or registration number) before you send it to us.

NZBN Business-Match template [CSV, 323 bytes]

For each Business-Match request, we can match up to a maximum of 20,000 records. If you have a larger number of businesses to match, you may find our bulk data service or NZBN API better suited to your needs. 

Send us your NZBN Business-Match request now

What happens next?

You’ll receive an automatic response email to confirm your request has been received, and estimated turnaround time. For most Business-Match requests, we expect to be able to provide your completed file back to you within 10 working days. 

Once we’ve processed your request, we’ll let you know what percentage we’ve been able to match and return your data to you with the NZBNs included. We’ll also provide the following key fields for each business that was able to be matched:

  • Legal entity name
  • Entity type (for example, company, charitable trust, partnership)
  • Registration status (for example, registered, removed, in liquidation)
  • Registration date
  • Registered address.

We'll keep your data safe

The information you supply to us for matching purposes won’t be shared with anyone else. We won’t use the information for any purpose other than matching it to NZBNs. We’ll delete the information you’ve provided once we've completed the matching and returned the updated data to you.

Using other data services

Once you’ve received a list of the matched NZBNs, you can use other NZBN services to access the full set of NZBN data for each business and stay up to date with any changes going forward.

Learn about other NZBN services

How to stay up to date with our free NZBN Business-Match service.

Contact us to start your NZBN Business-Match

To get started using NZBN Business-Match contact our support team.

Contact the NZBN support team

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